October 24, 2022
BBE Welcomes Derek Veenema
BBE would like to give a warm welcome to Derek Veenema, Project Engineer.
Derek has 8 years of experience as a senior project engineer. He brings with him a proven ability as an effective project coordinator and has already demonstrated his enthusiasm and positivity. In just a few short weeks, Derek has immersed himself as part of the onsite management team for BBE's projects at The Hartford Insurance Group and we are confident he will fit right in with this results-driven team.
Fun Facts about Derek:
What you love about construction:
I love the team-based atmosphere and that I am constantly in a position for learning new things.
First Job:
My very first job was making sandwiches at Subway.
Your Hero:
My mom. She's always looking out for me and my family.
Most Useful App:
The Home Depot App. It feels like I'm constantly using it to look-up or purchase materials and equipment for my house.
Word to the Wise (advice):
Always stay positive no matter the situation, but never be afraid to ask for help.