May 24, 2023
BBE Welcomes Ryan Mitchell
BBE would like to give a warm welcome to Ryan Mitchell, our new Project Engineer Intern. Ryan is a senior at Central Connecticut State University, studying Construction Management.
Ryan's interest in construction started after he took his first woodshop class in high school. Ryan says, "What I love most about construction is being able to create something out of nothing." Through this internship, Ryan will work closely with our project team members to support in BBE's current and upcoming projects.
Fun Facts about Ryan
What do you love about construction:
What I love most about construction is being able to take a concept on paper or an idea and turn it inro reality.
First Job:
My first job was doing landscaping.
Your Hero:
My hero would have to be my mom, she taught me strength and determination, to be someone people can always go to for help.
Most Useful App:
In my opinion, the most useful app would have to be maps.
Word to the Wise (advice)
If you do what you love, you never work a day in your life.