October 12, 2023

BBE's Norm Gundersen and John Ruggiero Honored by the AGC of Connecticut
The AGC of Connecticut is an industry association that has fostered the prinicples of skill, responsibility, and integrity for more than 75 years. Its annual Industry Recognition Awards program recognizes individuals in the construction industry who exemplify these ideals.
BBE is thrilled to announce that AGC of CT recently honored BBE with not one, but TWO prestigious Industry Recognizition Awards At the Aqua Turf in Plantsville on October 12th. BBE's Norman Gundersen was recognized as Construction Supervisor of the Year and John Ruggiero was named Project Manager of the Year, a testament to their relentless dedication, innovative problem-solving, and lasting impact on the building industry in Connecticut.
Candidates are nominated by their peers for their outstanding achievement in Connecticut's construction industry, and judges look for the special qualities and attributes that set award-winning construction professionals apart from the rest, including technical expertise, site management, quality of workmanship, health and safety, and leadership.
But that's not all! We also took home a 2023 NASA Award for Zero Incidence Rate, Building - 110,000 to 274,999 work hours category for our meticulous work on Safety. Hats off to BBE's Director of Safety Operations Marko Kaar for his tremendous efforts.
A huge round of applause to Norm, John, Marko, and all of BBE's project teams for their unwavering dedication and commitment to excellence. Congrats to all of this year's award winners.